Read about the benefits of publishing chalk talks, written by Darcy Wooten, MD, MS.
- Make your teaching efforts count twice — create/update chalk talks that you frequently use in the clinical learning environment and then disseminate your work!
- Level up your teaching — use or modify chalk talks that the Med Ed Cop publishes in your day-to-day teaching. You get to see how other educators across the country teach a topic and then you can customize the talk for your specific teaching needs. Developing chalk talks on the fly while on service is challenging. By having a repository of talks that are ready to use, you will be able to level up your teaching on rounds or in clinic.
- Creating chalk talks is also a great learning opportunity for advanced ID fellows as they begin to take on more teaching roles in preparation for their upcoming transition to the attending role. Fellows gain experience developing educational strategies, diving deep into a topic, and benefit from disseminating their work.